Do You Need Life Insurance?
When you think of life insurance, do you think about married couples with children? Though it’s common for families to purchase life insurance, it can be beneficial for people with various other circumstances as well. No one enjoys thinking about their own death, but accidents and illness are a fact of life and must be considered when planning for the future. Let’s take a look at a few situations where life insurance could come in handy.
Single Adult
Just because you don’t have children doesn’t mean that you don’t have dependents. Some single adults care for elderly parents or disabled relatives. Life insurance benefits can be used to ensure their continued care in the event of your death. Additionally, life insurance benefits can be used to pay for your funeral expenses and debts so your family isn’t left financially burdened during a time of tragedy.
Single Parent
If you have children, life insurance is a good way to leave them with a financial legacy. Benefits can be used to continue raising them, to fund their education and even to help pay for weddings. If your children are grown, leaving them life insurance benefits can help them pay your funeral expenses and settle your estate.
Married Couple without Kids
Even without children, many people wish to ensure that their spouse can continue living his or her accustomed lifestyle. In some cases, the wage replacement aspect of life insurance may even be necessary in order to continue paying all the bills. And with one less person at home, the surviving spouse may need to pay for cleaning or cooking services if there isn’t time for all the chores anymore.
Married Couple with Kids
This group is the most likely to purchase life insurance because they often have the greatest financial responsibility. Even though purchasing life insurance does not necessarily benefit the policyholder, it often provides peace of mind to know that one’s family will have the funds carry on without scraping the bottom of the bucket just to get by.
Protect your loved ones today. Call McDonald Insurance Group at 303-957-1742 for more information on Littleton life insurance.